Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ayurveda & Natural Health - Chayanvaprash For a Healthy Immune System

The trend these days is to hear reports telling us to stay away from sweets and simple sugars.
And for the most part this is true. But in Ayurveda, the worlds oldest medical system, sweets can be beneficial. Such is the case with a jam called Chayanvaprash.

Of course balance and moderation are the key. But with Chayanvaprash, you can have your sweets and feel good about it. Chayanvaprash is a thick, rich, dark jam that has many benefits.

~ It promotes rejuvenation and proper function of the immune system, as well as being calming for the mind and body.
~ It stimulates your metabolism, improves your digestive function,
~ It also supports healthy lungs and respiration. It is especially good for colds, flu, asthma, allergies, chest congestion, cough, fatigue.
~ Chayanvaprash is very effective for relieving general debility.
Many clients report that it has helped to restore a sense of balance during stressful times, especially while traveling, and even with symptoms of menopause. Try 1 teaspoon, once or twice daily. Here are four easy ways to consume this nutritive jam:
~ put it on toast,.
~ stir it into oatmeal,
~ spread it on whole grain pancakes or waffles
~ mix a spoon full in warm water and drink as a spicy "Chai" like tea

Chyanvaprash is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal jam made in a base of amalaki fruit, a rich source of antioxidants. This excellent rejuvenative nourishes and strengthens the body, providing energy and vitality. Chyanvaprash is a great method for daily herbal consumption due to its unique consitutents of cane sugar, ghee and honey.

Proven effective for over a thousand years of use, (how many prescription drugs can make that claim?), these nourishing tastes play the important role of "carriers" that allow the herbs to penetrate deep into the tissues.

In a small daily dose (1 or 2 teaspoons), it makes for a tasty and very healthful treat. It balances vata and kapha while strengthening the body against he effects of a stressful lifestyle. The energizing herbs bolster the immune system and help maintain health and well-being throughout the year.

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