Monday, November 17, 2008


CHINESE MEDICINE developed over thousand of years, almost without any outside influences from other medical systems. The Nei Ching (Book of Medicine) is an ancient medical work. According to legend, it was written over 4,000 years ago by the Yellow Emperor, Huang Ti. The book was more likely to have been written some time about 200BC, but it has formed the basis for most Chinese medical literature since.

CHINESE MEDICINE is largely based on the concept of yin and yan, which stand for opposing states and condition. Yin reprensennts states such as feminine, dark and wet. Yang represent the opposing states of masculine, light and dry. In the Nei ching, yin and yang are said to control the body ,which is thought of as a tiny country with rulers and administrators. The `country` also has a communication system of 12 rivers, based on the great rivers of China. These rivers divide into much smaller channels which carry blood and a liquid called ch`i (vital energy).

These channels connect organs to one another. For example, the kidney connects to the ear, the lungs to the nose and the heart to the tongue. When these channels are in good working order, the body is healthy. Points along the channels can be used to influence the flow of ch`i.

As with Hinduism, Chinese religions discouraged dissection. For this reason, medicine was based largely on these channels and their influences on the body. Treatments often involved the use of acupuncture, where needles were inserted into one of the hundreds of points where ch`I channels were thought to run. This stimulated (perked up) the flow of ch`i and restored good health. Sometimes cones of dried herbs were burned on the skin at these points, for the same purpose. Acupuncture has been practiced for more than 4,500 years. It remains central of Chinese Medicine and is also used in the West, especially as a treatment for pain and a cure for addiction (dependency on a drug).

Chinese Medicine depends mostly on herbal remedies. Many of these herbs have been incorporated into Western medicine, such as castor oil, camphor, chaulmoogra oil to treat leprosy and iron to treat anaemia. Ginseng is a widely-known Chinese remedy, used to keep a person alert, called a stimulant. The ancient Chinese invented vaccination as a way to treat smallpox. They injected a small amount of pus from a smallpox sore into healthy people. This gave them a mild form of the disease and made them immune (resistant) to full-blown infection. Europeans did not discover vaccination until the AD1700s.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


During the period of the Byzantine Empire, the works of Greek and Roman doctors were collected together. Some appeared in the languages used at the fringes of the empire, such as Persian and Syrian.

Meanwhile the Arab Empire was growing in power and influence. It conquered Persia and Syria. At first, the Arabs favoured their own traditional treatments were lost. Doctors began to turn to ancient Greek ideas and ranslated Greek texts into Arabic. This mean that ancient Greek learning spread throughout the Arab Empire, into Europe and around the Mediterranean.

Important centres of learning sprang up in Baghdad, Cairo and Damascus in the Middle East, and in Toledo, Cordoba and Seville in what is now Spain. Arab scientists and doctors published copies of the early medical works. Some of these were later translated into Latin and used in European medical schools from the 1200s.

Arab medicine did not contribute much new knowledge, but Arab writers made detailed descriptions of diseases and their diagnoses. Surgery suffered in early years, because dissection was banned, so little was known about anatomy. However, an Arab surgeon in Cordoba wrote a text on surgical techniques for surgery on the eye and the internal organs.

The Arabs were interested in alchemy (trying to transform cheap metals into gold, and searching for a source of eternal life). Their alchemical experiments led them to find many drugs by accident. Alchemists also developed techniques for purifying chemicals that are still used today. Arab pharmacists complied long lists of these herbal remedies, gathered from the places they conquered.

Some describe more than 3,000 different drugs. Some of these drugs were very unusual. The real value of Arab writings, however, was how carefully they recorded information. These great works were painstakingly copied and circulated throughout the Arab empire.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


PUBLIC HEALTH is not a new idea.
The Romans understood the need for clean water supplies and built huge aqueducts to bring in water to the centre of their cities, along with water pipes and public baths.

They also constructed elaborate sewage systems to remove waste from their cities. The Romans were not even the first to build aqueducts. The Etruscans had started to build them in 312BC.

Ancient Chinese and Indian religious writings had recommended good diet and hygiene to protect health, but in medieval Europe, all of this was forgotten. The church frowned on washing, as it seemed too much like a bodily pleasure. There was no concept of hygiene, and sewage and rubbish were just thrown out into the street. It is no coincidence that during this period Europe was ravaged by plague, leprosy, tuberculosis (TB, also known as consumption), typhoid and cholera. People thought that these diseases were spread by miasma (unpleasant smells). This idea probably did encourage some disposal of waste. The miasmic theory of infection persisted into the 1800S, until the effects of bacteria were finally demonstrated.

The cholera epidemics had already brought matters to a head. For centuries the River Thames had been London`s sewer and source of drinking water. It was black and stinking, and finally everyone had had enough. The government commissioned a report from a civil servant called John Chadwick, which turned out to be the most influential document ever prepared on the subject of public health. It was published in 1842. The report described the probable causes of disease in the poorer parts of London, and also suggested practical ways to solve the problem. These public health measures included supplying houses with clean running water and proper sewage drainage.

Not long after this came the first proof of the risks from contaminated water, during a terrible cholera outbreak in 1854. John Snow, a London doctor, realized that many cholera cases were clustered in a small area near Broad Street. Investigation showed that they all drew their water from a public pump. Snow removed the pump handle, and within a few days the epidemic stopped. Even so, it took several years for the medical profession to accept that cholera was not spread by foul air, but by drinking water contaminated by sewage.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weight Loss With Acupuncture

In recent years, more and more people are trying out acupuncture to lose weight. Just what is acupuncture? How can acupuncture treatment help you lose weight?

Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been around for about 5,000 years. It is the practice of inserting very thin needles to stimulate pathways or meridians in the body to treat many illnesses and diseases especially to relieve pain from chronic disorders.

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners or TCM physicians claim that acupuncture can help you to lose body fat by making you feel full and so will eat less. This curbs excess caloric consumption in the patient treated with acupuncture and is a great help in the patient's weight loss program.

Acupuncture treatment can also be used to raise your metabolic rate and help you to burn more calories to speed up weight loss. Some Chinese medicine practitioners say that acupuncture stimulates the production of a hormone called endorphins and this hormone helps to lower body fat, insulin and lipid levels in the bloodstream thus less insulin is converted into body fat.

Acupuncture is not a miracle cure for obesity. TCM physicians often stress that to achieve good weight loss results from your program and maintaining your weight, acupuncture treatment alone is not enough. To lose weight effectively and keep the fats off permanently, acupuncture treatment must be combined with healthy eating habits and regular exercises.

Before you start your acupuncture treatment, your Chinese physician will behaviour a medical examination on you by checking your pulse and examination of your tongue to ensure that you are suitable for acupuncture weight loss treatment. This is because TCM is a holistic branch of health care and do not just specifically target the ailment or medical complaint. So an investigation into other reasons why a patient is obese is necessary to solve the problem holistically.

If you want to lose weight naturally and without drugs, why not try TCM acupuncture for your weight loss program?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Things You Should Know About Natural Health Remedies

Natural health remedies sounds similar to a hip new practice of medicine, perhaps performed by a throw back from the 60's - remedies that might involve burning incense and channeling an alternate life source. Honestly some research will reveal that some remedies out there require such practices, but many are based on philosophies handed down through history.
Other remedies are break offs of forms that were developed when medicine started. To start with, a definition or understanding of what natural health is would be helpful. Natural health is also commonly known as alternative health, alternative treatment, etc.
This is any practice that does not fit into the category of mainstream healthcare. Some examples would include:
• Herbal medicine
• Naturopathy
• Osteopathy
• Chiropractic
• Ancient Chinese Therapies
• Holistic healing
Each of these base their philosophies on different aspects of the body. They focus on one section or area and believe that healing of that area will bring full wellness to the body and soul.
So How Does One Make Sense Of It All?
To gain a better sense of natural remedies, one should get a better understanding of what the different forms are and what they encompass. You can do this with a little literary research and a battery of questions aimed at a professional in that field. Having good communication with your personal physician and your alternative therapist will make for a positive experience. To list all the types of alternative medicine choices would take a book but to give a better understanding, here are a few that you may encounter:
• Herbal medicine - This form of alternative medicine practices using herbs and plant products to heal ailments and to maintain physical and mental wellness. Plants and herbs are used in cooking, supplement form, teas, or as a topical ointment. It is always a good idea to inform your herbalist of what you may take for prescriptions so that you do not encounter a reaction. For example, someone who is taking a prescription for high blood pressure may start taking an herbal supplement that claims to do the same (garlic for example), the wrong dosage could lead to dangerously low blood pressure.
• Naturopathy - The practice that activates the body's natural self-healing capabilities and treats the whole person rather than a specific disorder. Most practitioner's goals are to accomplish a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease. Some diseases or ailments that have been known to be cured are: digestive disorders, musculoskeletal problems, skin conditions, infections, migraines, female and male reproductive issues, allergies, stress, and sleep difficulties. A patient should have a complete physical from a naturopathic practitioner and research their background like they would a regular medical physician.
• Chiropractic - Many people understand this practice as a practitioner that heals those who may have suffered from back injuries. Why this is true, they offer more in the way of healing. The musculoskeletal system is the main focus and healing that would then, in turn, create healing throughout the body. People visit chiropractors for a variety of disorders, such as headaches, leg pains, or even pains in their torso. Having their body realigned makes them feel less stress which makes them feel better.
• Holistic Healing - This is still a hands-on approach to wellness but it does not start with a system in the body. This alternative medical therapy heals the mind and the soul, which will then help heal the body. This approach will take complete belief because you must channel into the part of the brain that is not skewed by everyday influences. Tapping into this powerful energy source will allow your body to help heal itself and maintain wellness. An example of this therapy would be Reiki. A Reiki master can promote healing in the body by the power of touch. They may lay their hands on a patient's body and touch on certain points and their positive energy is then transformed to the areas of pain.
Just like with anything in life, having a better understanding of a newer concept will answer questions and doubts, which will allow your mind to grasp and accept new healing concepts. An open mind will be the gateway to endless possibilities to wellness of the body, the mind, and the soul.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Instantly Quit Smoking With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a highly effective quit smoking method for all, and specially for those people who had been unsuccessful with other methods to stop smoking. People who go for acupuncture treatments are usually keen on quit smoking beliefs. Although they have failed with all previous programs, this 3500 years old Chinese remedy promises quick relief from chronic smoking habits.

Acupuncture works most efficiently on human body to reduce chronic smoking habits

Acupuncture is based on the belief that “chi”, a fundamental energy force flows through 12 key channels around the body. Within these channels, there are at least 365 acupuncture points, which can sometimes get blocked preventing the smooth flow of vital energy, thereby leading to chronic habits. Acupuncture for stop stop smoking does not engage any “magic” acupuncture points. At least five needles are taken and inserted into the ear [particularly in the cartilage and not in the ear canal] and a few on the hands and wrists. With the needles pricked to your skin, you are left to relax for 30 to 45 minutes. These pricked needles provide significant effect on lessening cravings for smoking.

Treatments involved in acupuncture

To become a non-smoker, you have to follow a series of sessions. These sessions also focus on physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms occurring in the patient during the acupuncture treatments. While the needle-pricking treatments are going on you are also advised to experience treatments with herbs. You can apply a mixture of oil of cloves and wintergreen, extracts of evodia fruits and Sichuan lovage rhizomes in the acupuncture points to get faster stop smoking results.

Other advantages of acupuncture - tips on stopping smoking

Acupuncture tips on stopping smoking not only relieve you from permanent smoking cessation but also works advantageous for you. After the acupuncture series is over, even cigarettes taste foul. It takes a nasty burnt taste and you can thus proudly redefine yourself as a “non-smoker”. Acupuncture therapy for stop smoking also reduces side effects of nicotine withdrawals like depression, cravings and anxiety. While the body actually improves in blood circulation and de-congesting the lungs, you also start feeling truly optimistic.

Acupuncture is a definite method that helps you to quit smoking miraculously within a few days. Try it out to experience instant success even if you are a chronic nicotine-smoker.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How Come Acupuncture Brings Perfect Results For All?

Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of extremely fine needles at specific points of the body. The theory behind acupuncture is that there are two thousand energy points on the body that are connected by twenty pathways [meridians] running throughout the length of the body. These pathways conduct flow of energy called “qi” or “chi”, meaning life force. Blockage of energy in any of these points can cause pain in the body. Acupuncture serves to clear any type of energy blockage in any of the pathways and thus reduce pain effectively.

Treatments offered by acupuncture schools

All the diseases prevalent in human body are the result of energy blockage in the pathways. So when these blockage points are removed, automatically you will be cured from all types of diseases. During an acupuncture treatment session performed by the acupuncture schools, almost one to twenty metallic needles are inserted into the body. While some of the needles rest on the surface of the skin, the others are inserted from one to several inches into the layers of fats. The needles are kept there in resting position for at least twenty to thirty minutes.

The acupuncturists to enhance the reduction in energy blockage often keep jiggling the needles. In certain instances like treating high blood force with acupuncture, electrified needles are used for fast and better cure. Often the practitioners also use an amount of burned herbs at the end of the needle to encourage negative energy to leave the body along with the smoke.

Acupuncture treatments for back pain, shoulder and neck pain

Atlanta schools of acupuncture follow some rigorous acupuncture techniques that promise sure results for all types of diseases. Back pain is a disease that can range from dull ache to a steady sharp pain that leaves people irritated. Even neck and shoulder pains can be equally disgusting as they continue to be acute and stop all your normal activities.

Acupressure is a wonderful remedy for back pain, neck and shoulder pain. The practitioner presses some acute points near the meridians of the body with the thumbs and fingertips to reduce pain. With the practical pressure the blocked energy starts flowing and all pains are reduced. Atlanta acupuncture for spinal injury is also effective as the blocked “chi” or energy in spinal chords gets released with application of acupressure and pains related to spinal injuries gets cured instantly.

Acupuncture treatments for smoking and skin diseases

Atlanta for stop-quit smoking is also effective, as permanent smokers have known to cease smoking completely with acupuncture. The treatment involves insertion of five needles into the ear [particularly in the cartilage and not in the ear canal] and a few on the hands and wrists. It also involves applying a mixture of oil of cloves and wintergreen extracts of Evodia fruits and Sichuan lovage rhizomes to quit smoking faster.

Acupuncture for acne, psoriasis and allergies are an effective treatment, as it reduces the diseases instantly. All these infections are autoimmune systems that occur due to inflammations in the blood vessels. So when the acupressure needles are pricked onto the skin, they are also manipulated through hands by rubbing the acupressure points or the ends of the needles are electrified to produce instant results.