Acupuncture is an ancient form of natural Chinese remedial. It continues to be practiced in modern times in countries all around the globe to treat a wide variety of conditions and illnesses.
Acupuncture involves using extremely thin long needles, often described as ‘hair thin’.
These needles are inserted in various points on the body to simulate the body’s own healing abilities.
Below are five of the common reasons that acupuncture is used today:
Acupuncture Controls Allergies
Allergic reactions occur when the immune system reacts to a substance that is normally harmless to most people. These substances can be environmental such as pollen and dust, or they can be from foods such as mild, peanuts, or shellfish. Allergies can source mild reactions such as tickly, watery eyes and liquid nose. Sometimes, more severe reactions occur as a result of an allergic reaction and these can be kidney failure, heart palpitations, depression, and joint pain. Acupuncture helps to detoxify the body so the immune system can be strengthened to the point that allergic reactions no longer arise.
Acupuncture Strengthens The Immune System
Studies have shown that acupuncture improves the body's natural resistance to disease and infection by strengthening the immune system. Acupuncture increases the level of white blood cells as well as alpha, beta, and gamma globulins. Gamma globulin helps the body produce immune antibodies and alpha and beta globulin aid the white blood cells in fighting infection.
Acupuncture Provides Pain Relief
Acupuncture triggers the release of the body's feel good chemicals, the endorphins. An increase in the level of endorphins helps to alleviate pain. Acupuncture further helps to provide pain relief by balancing the nerve impulses along the central nervous system.
Acupuncture Assists in Drug Recovery
Chemical dependency can be treated with acupuncture by helping to reduce the withdrawal symptoms from drugs and alcohol. Acupuncture helps to reduce cravings, relieves anxiety, and usually helps people relax.
Acupuncture is used extensively in drug recovery due to these desirable benefits.
Acupuncture Relieves Stress
Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that stress is related to liver imbalance, so therefore the treatment for stress is using acupuncture to restore the energy balance in the liver. Once this is done, the muscles relax and the patient is stress free. Stress can guide to many serious life threatening diseases, so alleviating stress is an important benefit of having an acupuncture treatment.
The five reasons above are just a few of the many indications for using acupuncture. If you have a chronic condition, you should consider this alternative treatment.
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