Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Medicine: Conventional or Alternative?

Which do you choose? I propose the idea that you don't have to make a choice. Both types of medicine offer different packages for health. Your personality and life experiences will determine what types of medicine you are drawn to but just because you are drawn to one type over the other does not necessary mean that the other is wrong. Perhaps the other is not right for you or not right at this time in your life. A fundamental principle of life is change and so just because you may not have tried a type of medicine before doses not mean that you should rule it out.

Something to be realize of is that you don't have to completely decide Alternative and banish all types of Conventional medicine or vise versa. Instead, appraise your situation and permit that to determine what type of help will serve you best. For example, if you broke your arm a Conventional doctor will be able to serve you quickly and efficiently but if you suffer with an addition to tobacco a life coach therapist might serve you the best as they will be devoted to helping you overcome your addition.

I think the main difference between Conventional medicine and Alternative medicine is time.
Why time you might ask? What does time have to do with medicine? I think time has a lot to do with medicine. I take my son to a great pediatrician who executes a vast knowledge and love towards the field of medicine. Unfortunately, I live in the state of Utah in America and there are a large number of babies born each year, because of this pediatricians' often are over booked with clients. Each time I take my son to see his pediatrician we wait for at least 40 minuets past our appointed time. By the time we see the doctor it is evident that he is exhausted. Time is a rare novelty in the realm of Conventional medicine.

If you read anything about Alternative medicine you will recognize a consistent thread that links all Alternative therapies together, they emphasize holistic health. Holistic is the mind, body and spirit combined. This is a key factor when debating what type of care you require. Conventional medicine is focused on fixing the symptoms, a broken arm, a high fever, constricted asthmatic lungs etc... but as time is something that is sparse in the Conventional world holistic healing is rarely achieved.

Many mothers might suffer from post partum depression but are unlikely to go to a doctor unless the symptoms increase severely as they might feel as though they are wasting the doctor's time. Have you noticed that most Alternative medicine therapist's hold hour long sessions with their patients? Alternative medicine gives their patient's time so that nothing is rushed. Time is essential to holistic healing. If you have been involved in a car accident the physical healing might be reasonably quick but what about the emotional trauma? It can take years to deal with the repercussions of some injuries.

So, I pose the question which type of medicine will serve you the best. Every situation is different because life is always changing. Evaluate your situation and determine what results you want. Do you want your headache to disappear right now so you can perform in the musical or do you want to find the root of your headaches and get rid of them for life? The next time you are deciding to see a doctor of some sort ask these three questions: What's my problem? What results do I want? What will best serve me Conventional or Alternative medicine?
Enjoy the benefits offered by all medicine.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Acupuncture is one of the components of the health care system evolved in China at least 2,500 years ago. Acupuncture literally means “needle piercing” - the practice of inserting very fine needles into the skin to motivate specific anatomic points in the body (known as acupoints or acupuncture points) for therapeutic purposes.
The general theory of acupuncture is based on the assumption that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. The turbulence or disruptions in this flow are responsible for health diseases. Acupuncture, as theorized, is meant to correct the imbalances of flow at identifiable points close to the skin.
Acupuncture involves stimulating. Apart from the usual technique of puncturing the skin with the well needles, the practitioners of acupuncture also use heat, pressure, friction, suction, or impulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate the points. The use of acupuncture to treat diseases in American medicine was quite rare until President Nixon visited China in 1972. This effectively opened the door from East to West, connecting America to the Orient. Acupuncture has since come out as a strong substitute or increase for contemporary medical treatment methods.
To really know how acupuncture works, it is necessary to become familiar with the basics of Chinese philosophy that underlines the real meaning of the theory of acupuncture. The way it has gained popularity in the developing and developed countries in the past forty years, it may ultimately prove to be a very important vehicle for maintaining good health and well-being.

Colon Cleansing Herbs - Are They Effective?

Is your colon behaving slowly recently? Then, it's time to cleanse it. Just like the external body parts even internal body organs need to be cleansed from time to time. Colon should be cleansed to free it from all those toxins that have got accumulated in there. Don't worry, you need not gobble handful of pills for this. There are so many colon cleansing herbs accessible in the market that will help you cleanse or detoxify your colon naturally.

Colon cancer is one of the major diseases that are affecting people's health today. One of the symptoms of colon dysfunction in an individual is irregular bowel movements, also known as constipation. Our food habits, our lifestyle, exposure to the severe environmental phenomenon-all these factors has a role to play in the malfunctioning of the colon. Most of the toxins that invade our colon are not foreign agents; they are being produced internally by the free radicals, the fats that got oxidized in our body, body cholesterol, etc.

Toxins form into a thin layer within the colon, known as mucoid tablet. Removal of this plaque is essential to restore the functionality of your colon. Colon cleansing is known by various names like- 'cleansing your bowels' 'intestinal therapy', 'cleansing your intestine' etc. The procedure of cleansing a colon might last from few weeks to few months depending on the severity of the situation. In a colon cleansing therapy, the individual would be known a special diet first. All those foods that aid in cleansing the colon will be fed to the individual. After that, he/she will be administered some supplements which will help in further cleansing.

Fasting also proves beneficial in the initial stages of the cleansing program. During fasting only fresh fruits, their juices, greens and vegetables should be consumed. Drinking lots of water will also help. It keeps your constipation at bay. Several herbs like Cascara Sagrada, seeds of Flax plant, and husk resultant from the Psyllium plant, Senna, Rhubarb, are known to have colon-cleansing effects due to their laxative nature. With an empty stomach one should take pounded flaxseeds mixed in water, two times a day for good results. Food should not be taken immediately after drinking this water. A form of clay by name Betonite is also proved to be effective in colon cleansing programs. Usually, this clay is taken in liquid form along with the flax seeds. If you are already on medication, exercise caution while taking Betonite. It has the reputation of interfering with the functioning of the other medical compounds.

Sagrada's dried bark, liquid extracted from the plant, capsules made out of it are being used for cleansing the colon. Once Cascara Sagrada is consumed, it will start working only after a period of 6 to 7 hrs. On an average, approximately, 300mg of Sagrada should be taken for a proper bowel movement and it should never be taken continuously for more than a week. Sagrada is totally forbidden for growing kids, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Rhubarb herb is often used in Chinese medicines as its root contains tannins. Some people might experience a change in the color of urine after using Rhubarb. Prolonged use of Rhubarb is harmful to individuals; in fact, even otherwise it cannot be administered to all the individuals. People with certain kind of ailments like liver problem, severe anemia should not opt for this herb as there are several side effects to it like abdominal cramps, etc. Leaves and pods of Senna plant are used in making colon cleansing products due to their laxative nature.

Colon cleansing products made out of Senna are available in various forms like powders, capsules, and liquid extracts. Overdose of Senna over a period of time can prove fatal to the individual. Herbs used in making colon cleansing products have special compounds called Anthraquinones that make them extremely useful in bowel cleansing therapy. All these herbs when taken in permitted quantities and by the prescribed methods can prove extremely salubrious to the individuals. In case, you experience any kind of discomfort while using these herbs seeks medical assistance immediately.

How Low Libido Affects Women Versus Men

Most women and men experience low female libido at some time in their lives. Although the causes and treatments are not the same, many studies and much research is still needed to distinguish the subtle differences between how the two genders experience low libido. Believe it or not, about twice as many women than men experience low libido and it has a profound affect on their intimate relationships.

We will identify some of the causes and symptoms specific to women who suffer from lack of libido. Some women don't even understand that there are some medications that women often take which affect female libido. Many oral contraceptives repress female libido so gradually that a woman may not even comprehend it is happening. Oral contraceptives prevent ovulation by altering the amount of hormones that are released in a woman's body, so imagine how potent these medications actually need to be and how easily these hormonal changes could affect women's libido.

Women who have undergone a hysterectomy, for any reason, may also experience low sexual desire because the female hormones are suddenly depleted. Many women take medications (hormone replacement therapy or female libido pills) to replace the loss of hormones, which will usually increase libido, sexual desire, and sexual response. Many women increase libido by taking libido enhancer pills. These are usually made with a special blend of herbs used to treat female or women's libido. Menopause is another cause of low libido and lack of sexual desire. This is again, due to the depletion and imbalance of hormones.

Sometimes the loss of sexual desire that occurs naturally with age, can be aggravated by less moisture and lubrication in the vagina. This can make sexual intercourse uncomfortable or even painful and it may cause frustration and stress that a woman begins to associate with sex. Obviously birth control pills, hysterectomies, and menopause are all reasons specific to the loss of female libido. The causes of low libido in men are more commonly caused from lower testosterone levels as men age, depression, stress, medical conditions, and substance abuse.

There are medications such as Viagra that are very effective for men who would like to increase libido. If the problem is psychological, individual or couples therapy can help a great deal. It is important for a man with low libido to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep. It is also extremely beneficial for a man with low libido to not smoke and moderate his alcohol intake.

If you are a male or female who suffers from low libido, you should consult a physician to make sure this problem is not a result of a more serious medical condition that requires attention. In relationships, open communication is a great help and goes a long way in overcoming low male or to increase female libido.

Climestra Female Libido Enhancer is the safe, gentle way to discover, or to re-ignite your desire, excitement and intense sexual responses that makes your love life sensational and rewarding.You and your partner will experience a happier, more fulfilling love life. With Climestra female libido pills, intimacy is at the top of your priority list, with the heat turned up, or your money back. We are so sure that Climestra will increase your libido that we offer a full 30 day 100% money back guarantee.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Natural Health - How to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain?

Do you wish this was the year you could naturally prevent holiday weight gain? Does this sound like a familiar lament? " I just figure this is the 2 months that I'll gain weight and be unhealthy". It always feels good when I can provide clients with simple solutions and I hear their optimism as they approach the holiday season.

Decide today what your weight will be on January 1st. Don't think about what you hope it will be, and then make a New Years resolution to lose 15 pounds. Decide today what you desire it to be.

~ Write the number down on a piece of paper, stick it to your bathroom mirror or alarm clock. This programs your subconscious. When you see that number every morning and evening smile at your self, knowing that you have programmed your mind and body to attain the desired result. Your body will follow your thoughts. Your actions will be in alignment with your desires. If you tell yourself a negative idea, your body will go there just as easily.
I have worked in the field of energy medicine for 10 years. Research has shown that " Energy Follows Thought". Your feelings are energy. Your body will do what you think it will do. I know it sounds crazy, and you think it can't be that easy. You're thinking if it was that simple no one would be overweight. But the people who maintain their weight are the ones who visualize success before it has happened. They act as if their intention has already happened.

~ Don't "save up your calories" for later in the day. This is good to remember all year long, but especially with all the after work parties. Many people decide to cut back on their intake during the day because they think they will over eat at an evening party.

~ Eat your largest meal and most calories when your body's digestive fire and metabolism are highest between 10:00 am and 2:00pm. This is when your body will burn the most calories. If you eat two meals that are exactly the same, but one was eaten at noon and one at 8:00pm , more of the calories from the noon food will be burned off just because you ate it when your metabolism was revved up in the middle of the day.
The more you eat later in the day, the more likely you are to store that meal as fat

~ I recommend adding a few drops of lemon, orange, or grapefruit essential oil to your water glass or bottle. I see the best results with therapeutic grade oils from Young Living. They are wonderful antioxidants to combat the stress of the holidays. Grapefruit oil is a natural appetite suppressant. Orange is a natural mood lifter, and lemon helps cleanse your liver.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


The Chinese have been using herbs to help maintain health and to fend off illness for centuries. With such a long and successful history, it is easy to see why so many people still follow the practices of Chinese herbal medicine today.

Taking a Look at Chinese Herbal Medicine History :-
The Chinese herbal medicine history is a long and interesting one. According to tradition, the first herbalist in Chinese herbal medicine was Shennong, who is a mythical personage. According to lore, Shennong tasted hundreds of different herbs and then shared his knowledge of which were poisonous and which were medicinal to farmers. The first Chinese herbal medicine manual was created sometime in the 1st century and contained a list of 365 different medicines, 252 of which were herbs.
Early Chinese herbal medicine publications limited specific recipes for certain ailments. Updated versions of these manuals continue to be published, all of which contain detailed information about various herbs.

Classifying Herbs within Chinese Herbal Medicine
Within the realm of Chinese herbal medicine, there are three major categories in which every herb falls. These are:

The Four Natures – based upon the concept of yin and yang and involves treating illnesses with an herb with the opposite property

The Five Tastes – based on the five tastes of sweet, pungent, bitter, sour and salty, with each taste having a different effect on the body

The Meridians - based upon the organs that the herbs are used to act upon

Understanding the uses of herbs within Chinese herbal medicine depends upon understanding different aspects of the herbs and thoughts about the herbs in a method that is different from modern medicine. With Chinese herbal medicine, a great deal of emphasis is placed on those characteristics that can be easily identified. With the five taste method, for example, taste is the only method used to determine the herb’s use. Those that are sweet are used to vitalize the blood and to bring harmony to the body. Those that are sour, on the other hand, are astringent and bitter herbs are used to help purge the bowels.

Although Chinese herbal medicine is measured to be an alternative form of medical treatment, some modern day medicines have been resulting from the herbs that have long had a place in Chinese herbal medicine history. Furthermore, millions of people have experienced success with the help of Chinese herbal medicine techniques, which means it will still be around for several years to come.

A look at Chinese herbal medicine history and some of the basic theories upon which Chinese herbal medicine has been built.
Ralph King has been contributing to leading magazines for the past 10 years. He’s also an accredited researcher on the subject for leading research institutes in the US.


Asian mothers, especially the Chinese, observe many rules, regulations andtaboos that have been handed down from past generations during the period known as confinement. New mothers and their newborns usually stay home during this period, which lasts for about 28 days. New mothers are known special care and food to help the body recuperate from the trauma of childbirth. Special nannies known as detention nannies are often hired to help look after new mothers and their newborn.

Supposed to be weak and "cold" after the delivery of her baby, the new mother should keep warm with "heaty" foods and wear plenty of warm clothing. She is not allowed to go near fans or air-conditioning as she may catch a chill. In observing this tradition, both mother and baby suffer the uncomfortable effects of bad ventilation,specially in the tropical heat of Singapore.

The Chinese do not allow new mothers to bathe for a month following childbirth as they may catch a chill and suffer from rheumatism later on in their lives. There is no scientific basis for such a belief. New mothers are suggested to have warm baths as cold water may carry on muscle cramps. Using herbs, ginger or lemongrass to rid of wind is not necessary.

traditional Chinese ban on hair washing through confinement, new mothers are confident to wash their hair when they are more steady on their feet after delivery. The worry is that some women may get giddy spells when shampooing and slip. The tradition is that washing hair during confinement allows "wind" to go into the heads and thus lead to headaches later on. This, again, has no scientific basis.

Differing to the Chinese belief that alcohol increases blood circulation and warms the body, it is not a must after delivery. It does not help to boost your postpartum state and, if you are nursing, it can be transmitted through breast milk to your baby. Alcohol can emerge quickly in the mother's fore milk and hind milk as well as reduce milk production as it inhibits oxytocine liberate.
Studies have shown that treatment babies while drinking heavily can cause developmental delays in the child.

The Malays believe that a pregnant woman's behaviour and emotion affects her unborn child. As such, they are not allowed to attend funerals or harm any living creatures. Otherwise, the baby may be born deformed. From the second trimester, food jamu like a cocktail of egg yolk, palm sugar, tamarind and secret herbs or pepper, honey, lemon juice and tumeric taken with secret herbs is believed to be able to clean the womb.
Around the seventh month, a melenggang perut ceremony is performed to correct the position of the baby and for a safe delivery. There are also rituals like rolling the coconut to determine the sex of the baby. When the coconut stops rolling and the "eyes" face upwards, it is a boy.

The Malay traditional detention period is 40 days. A bright light burns day and night in the baby's home. Special food and care is given to reinstate the mother's health and beauty. Bidan provides full belly massage, therapeutic baths and jamu.
The stomach is wrapped tightly to "shrink" the belly and jamu is used to cleanse any "dirty blood". Burning charcoal is used to warm the feet and to heat up the "cooling" body after baths. The mother is encouraged to move about the house as too much rest prolongs the dirty blood in the mother's system.

Milk producing jamu are approved and fish is usually removed from the mother's diet to prevent fishy-smelling milk.
Be Happy
Share your stress and worries with loved ones and friends. Most mothers start to feel some emotional swings known as "baby blues" around the fourth day of the postpartum period.
Indulge yourself in massages (if you had a caesarean release, do not massage the tummy), spa treatments and even manicures and pedicures. All these can help you regain a sense of well-being after having been through the traumatic and dramatic process of childbirth. Take time out with your husband without the baby so that both of you can unwind and recharge before going back to the stress and demands of caring for your baby.
Above all, enjoy motherhood.

What are herbal medicines?

Safety should always come first this is especially true when you are buying medication, whether conventional drugs or an alternative herbal medicine. Read on for some important reminders to keep in mind when you shop for supplements.

What are herbal medicines?
The popularity of alternative herbal medicine is NOT rooted on the fact that they cost less than the drug medications. Most people prefer it because it comes from botanical sources, and is therefore considered natural. But you should also be wary of natural products because certain herbs may be toxic once it reacts to other substances present inside the body.

Basic tips
Here are just some of the basic considerations to keep inmind before you buy alternative herbal medicine:

The basic concern for anyone who will be using alternative medicine is the doable side effects that studies have already shown. For instance, ginseng has been found to cause side effects ranging from milder ones like headaches to more serious ones like vaginal bleeding and high or low blood pressure. Diarrhea seems to be the most common side effect in favourite alternative herbal medicine like chondroitin sulfate, echinacea, garlic, ginkgo biloba, and glucosamine. Ephedra, which used to be very known in its ability to heal, can cause stroke, heart attack, seizures, and uneven heartbeats.


An important thing to remember when deciding to use alternative herbal medicine is the ailment you wish to address. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) said that you should consult a doctor when using herbs to treat: thyroid problems, stroke, cancer, blood clotting, liver problems, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, enlarged prostrate gland, psychiatric problems, epilepsy, heart disease, glaucoma, high blood pressure, and immune system problems.
As alternative herbal medicine act like drugs by reacting on other substances present in the system, the AAFP also recommended that caution should be exercised in the use of both herbs and drug medications to the following sickness: psychiatric concerns, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, seizure, blood clotting, and blood pressure.


Bear in mind that dietary supplements like alternative herbal medicine are not regulated by the U. S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA). This means that these products are not subject to government testing before they can be offered to consumers (unlike other drug medications). Thus, it is very important to buy from a company that you trust, such as pharmaceutical GMP-compliant manufacturers. These manufacturers have passed very strict standards, so you can be sure that their products are of high quality.

Biomedical Autism Treatment - Diet Helps Autistic Kids Get & Stay Healthy

If your child seems to develop an illness quite frequently, their immune system is likely in a weakened state. The way to accomplish this is through a strong immune system, and diet can play a big role in strengthening immune resistance to bacteria and viruses.

The following is a list of considerations to apply biomedical autism treatment to help support a health body and immune system for autism-spectrum children (ASD):

Whole Foods Diet - A whole foods diet contains quality sources of protein (poultry, fish, eggs, lean meats, beans, nuts, nut butters) lots of fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds and high quality fats and oils such as flax oil, olive oil and coconut oil. You want to eliminate as many processed foods as possible - foods that are processed with chemicals, preservatives, additives, flavor enhancers, artificial colors and sweeteners, added sugar and hydrogenated oils.

If your child is eating high sugar foods regularly throughout the day - candy, cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, soda, sugary cereals, and products with corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup - their immune system is likely censored all the time. Eliminate Dairy Products - Cow's milk dairy foodstuffs can be mucous forming foods. Many children on the autism-spectrum have a history of chronic ear and respiratory infections. There are two types of essential fatty acids (EFAs) - omega 6 and omega 3. Sources high in omega 3 EFAs include fish oil, flax oil, krill oil and cod liver oil. EFAs are important for the immune system and aid to regulate activity of white blood cells (T-cells and B-cells) that fight off infections.
Include Probiotics - Probiotics are beneficial bacteria. The mucosa of the mouth, respiratory and intestinal tracts are considered to be our first line immune defense. Probiotics help to enhance the effectiveness of our mucosal immune system.

Whole Food Nutritional Supplement - A great way to obtain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, etc. is to use powdered greens. 1-2 tablespoons flax oil or fish oil
1-2 tablespoons partially ground flax seeds
1-2 tablespoons powdered greens
Mix well in blender.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Herbs are often used for medicines and medical related purposes. They are admired because they offer relief, they are cheaper than over the counter and prescription drugs, and they don't have dangerous side effects. Those who use herbal medicine believe they have amazing healing powers. Herbal medicine is the oldest form of health care known. It has been used by all cultures throughout history. Over 4 billion people around the world use herbal medicine on a regular basis.
If you are taking recommendation drugs it is important to check with your doctor before switching to herbal medicine. You should also consult your doctor if you are preparation to take herbal medicine in conjunction with a instruction medication as the herbal medicine can render the prescription medication ineffective. Herbal medicine is also referred to as alternative medicine.
Herbal medicine is used for many ailments including treating heart disease, high blood pressure, pain, asthma, and many other problems.
Most herbal medicines are secure. However, you must be careful. For example the herb ephedrine was very popular for effective weight loss. However, it has been known to cause heart problems and resulted in death in some cases.
The Foxglove has been used since 1975 for patients with heart problems. It helps circulate the blood so the heart doesn't have to work as hard. St. John's Wart is another very popular herb used for medicine. It is effective for treating depression without the side effects most prescription drugs including Prozac come with The Natural Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine conducts its own tests and experiments with herbs as medicine. They provide unbiased information based on the results of these tests and experiments. This is a great place to get quality information about any herbs you are considering using for medical reasons.

The use of herbal medicine has been around since the beginning of time.